
下列常量由此扩展定义,且仅在此扩展编译入 PHP 或在运行时动态载入时可用。

The following two tables lists all constants defined by the paradox extension.

Contants for field types
Name Meaning
PX_FIELD_ALPHA Character data with fixed length
PX_FIELD_DATE Date, number of days since 1.1.0000
PX_FIELD_SHORT Short integer (2 Bytes)
PX_FIELD_LONG Long integer (4 Bytes)
PX_FIELD_MEMOBLOB Binary large object
PX_FIELD_BLOB Binary large object (not supported)
PX_FIELD_FMTMEMOBLOB Binary large object
PX_FIELD_OLE OLE object (basically a blob, not supported)
PX_FIELD_GRAPHIC Graphic (basically a blob, not supported)
PX_FIELD_TIME time, number of milli seconds since midnight
PX_FIELD_TIMESTAMP timestamp, number of milli seconds since 1.1.0000
PX_FIELD_AUTOINC Auto incrementing interger (like PX_FIELD_LONG)
PX_FIELD_BCD Decimal number stored in bcd format (not supported)
PX_FIELD_BYTES Array of Bytes with not more than 255 bytes (not supported)
PX_KEYTOLOWER Turn all field names into lower case
PX_KEYTOUPPER Turn all field names into upper case
Contants for file types
Name Meaning
PX_FILE_INDEX_DB Indexed database
PX_FILE_PRIM_INDEX Primary index
PX_FILE_NON_INDEX_DB None indexed database
PX_FILE_NON_INC_SEC_INDEX None incremental secondary index
PX_FILE_SEC_INDEX Secondary index
PX_FILE_INC_SEC_INDEX Incremental secondary index
PX_FILE_NON_INC_SEC_INDEX_G Non incremental secondary index
PX_FILE_SEC_INDEX_G Secondary index
PX_FILE_INC_SEC_INDEX_G Non incremental secondary index

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